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Unleash the incredible power of these ancient and powerful Souls. Includes a runic damage dealer, a frigid healer, a shadowy killer, a boisterous fighter, and a sorcerer with complete mastery over fire and water!
Cleric - Runeshaper Soul (Ranged DPS/Support)
Unleash the power of runes, combining them to control your environment and spell out doom for your foes.
Mage - Frostkeeper Soul (Single-target Healer)
Wield the power of the ice and cold to protect and sustain your allies in times of need.
Rogue - Shadeborn Soul (Dual-target Melee DPS)
Master the power of darkness, and cause your damage to one target to be shadowed onto another.
Warrior - Warchanter Soul (Single-target Healer)
Inspire an ally with rallying cries, keeping them in the battle and allowing them to surpass their limits.
Primalist - Maelstorm Soul (Ranged DPS)
Devastate your enemies by combining the raw elemental power of fire and water.
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Digital download is a software-only purchase; Trion will not send you anything. This software will need to be downloaded to your computer, but no physical box, discs, or other materials will be provided to you. You must have this software for each account on which you wish it to be enabled; you must download the game's files to each machine on which you wish to play this game. The download and use of this game is subject to the End User License Agreement, Terms of Use , and Privacy Policy.
This is an Internet-only game which requires players to connect to Trion servers via their own Internet connections. Players are responsible for their own Internet connection service and all Internet-related fees. A valid credit card is required to play this game and additional, recurring subscription fees apply. Trion Worlds does not ensure continuous or error-free access, use, or availability of any game content, feature, gameplay, or server and may change, modify, disable, suspend, or remove any such content, feature, gameplay, or server at its sole discretion.